More about Battery (451)

| The circuit presented, although a simple design, guarantees a prompt and reliable indication of any form of water leak. It is hardly l...

| This battery tester is capable of measuring the capacity of batteries up to 17 V at a maximum discharge current of 1 A. Remarkably, the test...

| Small wind powered generators are useful devices for people dependent on battery power, such as caravaners and yachtsmen. Commercial produc...

| Normally, stroboscopes, which are intended to emit short, intensive light pulses, operate from very high voltages. The present circuit wo...

| This circuit, a. d.c.-d.c. converter, is intended to charge environment-friendly batteries in and environment-friendly way. lt is based...

| The tester checks whether a transistor, n-p-n as weIl p-n-p , works or not. If it does. the buzzer emits a squeak.

| Many audio circuits need a symmetric power supply of ±12 V. If such a circuit is to be used in a car, the -12 V line must be somehow deri...

| The monitor, based on Philips Components' Type TEA1041T, enables a check to be kept on the power supply lines of a battery-operated appli...

| The DS 1633 battery recharger is designed to be a complete battery charging system for standard charging or trickle-charging. It can be c...

| There is a problem if you want to use a car battery to power a circuit which requires a symmetrical supply voltage. Having abandoned the i...