More about Automotive (135)

| Volkswagen is planning to introduce the e-Golf Touch to the market as one of the first compact cars in the world with controls based on gest...

| Audi AG employs the MOST150 technology from Microchip in the high-end cockpit infotainment system of the new A4 Sedan. To be more specific,...

| The automotive sector can profit quite a lot from the experience the aerospace industry has built up during the past years when it comes to...

| Now that more and more safety-critical automotive systems such as electric power steering (EPS) and braking are required to satisfy the Auto...

| The merger of NXP Semiconductors with Freescale Semiconductor has been completed this week. It makes NXP the fourth-largest, non-memory semi...

| We already read about all-electric trucks for short-haul operations in the Port of Los Angeles but that seems so ten seconds ago compared to...

| Presented as an "origami inspired" vehicle and "a modern piece of performance art," Lexus latest concept car is fabricated out of custom car...

| Summer is just around the corner, so it’s time to start thinking about taking a break. If you are planning on driving somewhere this summer...

| Sure, the Elektor Bus was covered extensively in a series of articles in the magazine and these publications did not fail to draw good atten...

| STMicroelectronics has introduced its latest generation of energy-efficient power devices that reduce the environmental impact of equipment...