More about BBC micro:bit (117)

| This programmer is suitable for programming the three popular 20-pin Atmel processors, the 89C1051, 89C2051 and the new 89C4051 with 4 k of...

| An Excel spreadsheet is an extremely useful tool when you need to calculate a value to be loaded in the UBRR register of an Atmel AVR microc...

| AVR controllers have the unfortunate property of their data EEPROM being affected when the supply voltage drops below a certain level, whi...

| A small experimental board for the Atmel AT90S1200 8-bit RISC processor was already presented in the October issue, together with the nece...

| Atmel’s AT90S1200 AVR-RISC 8-bit RISC processor has been available for some time now, and is generally recognised as a very fast device. Th...

| The hardware and Windows 95 software discussed in this article enables you to program Microchip’s highly successful 16C84 and 16F84...

| The steady progress in the field of microcontrollers and microprocessors has produced new, powerful devices which come in standard IC...