More about bridge (48)

| A circuit is described that automatically adjusts the flux from a light source (incandescent or fluorescent) in accordance with the ambien...

| Oscillators exist in a bewildering number of types and variants, each with its own, specific, features. A type known for its near-perfect s...

| The diode bridge, inccnjunction with a moving-coil meter, enables us to measure the peak value, Up , of a sinusoidal signal voltage, or...

| The diode-quad bridge network is a familiar componentin power-supplydesign. However, the discusaion ofits operation in thetechnical liter...

| The most remarkable feature of this small stereo amplifier is the use of a stepper motor bridge driver IC as a stereo power output stage....

| The supply described here uses two zener diodes and two rectifier diodes instead of the usual four rectifier diodes and one zener.

| We can make antenna impedance measurements using a variant of the oldfashioned Wheatstone bridge. This article shows the basic form of th...

| Any time a device produces a resistance (or resistance change) as the transducible property for a measurement, we can use the Wheatstone...

| The power supply for the delay circuit is derived directly from the mains by a bridge rectifier; D1-D4. The rectifier must be able to han...

| Normally, a Wien bridge oscillator contains two identical capacitors and two iden tical (variable) resistors. That being the case, the t...