| Moscow's war in Georgia and Tehran's nuclear challenge highlight the failings of United States and European security policy. Go to article...
| Moscow's war in Georgia and Tehran's nuclear challenge highlight the failings of United States and European security policy. Go to article...
| What really underlies the conflict in Georgia is the fact that the US has targeted Georgia as an energy corridor for exporting Caspian Sea o...
| Western countries have accused Russia of a 'disproportionate' response to the Georgian invasion of South Ossetia. That is not how the Russia...
| The famous conservative American politican Patrick Buchanan lashes out at western hypocrisy towards Russia. 'Are secessions and the dissolut...
| Russia and the world in the 21st century Sergei Lavrov, Russia in Global Affairs The Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov argues that a...
| The biggest casualty of the showdown has been the West's naive belief that Georgia provides a secure alternative energy corridor that avoids...
| A report on the Arctic Circle's oil and gas raises new questions over who owns the region and natural resources it offers, Carolin Hilpert w...
| By ending military action in South Ossetia, President Dmitry Medvedev has rescued Russia's reputation and brought the world back from the br...
| By calling an end to military action, Russian president Medvedev has averted a geopoltical disaster. The question is what the long-term cons...
| As a frozen conflict unthaws militarily, Georgia harms its chances of taking control of South Ossetia and Russia demonstrates its firm resol...