| While GTL or 'Gas to liquids' is frequently referred to in natural gas circles, apart from project-specific summaries produced by the sponso...
| While GTL or 'Gas to liquids' is frequently referred to in natural gas circles, apart from project-specific summaries produced by the sponso...
| European imports of LNG have plummeted by several tens of percent over the last eighteen months due to a surge in Asian demand. Even so the...
| Exploration in the east part of the Mediterranean Sea proved to be very successful. In the so called Levant Basin several huge resources hav...
| Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) has launched a major new report which provides the first even economic assessment of the health costs...
| On Sunday, February 17th, a large "forward on climate" rally is to take place in Washington. Originally organized by the environmentalist g...
| One of the issues that is being hotly debated in the US at the moment is that of pipeline safety. We tend to think of pipeline leaks and ac...
| Europe's natural gas industry is going through dark times. Policy failures within the European Union have combined with unexpected developme...
| To the surprise of many observers, Bulgaria, Romania and the Czech Republic have fairly suddenly joined the group of shale gas sceptics. For...
| Coal-fired power plants are a major source of greenhouse gas emissions—one that could be increasing significantly globally, according to new...
| There's a war going on that you know nothing about between a coalition of great powers and a small insurgent movement. It's a secret war bei...