More about LED (745)


| With the compliments of the Elektor Editorial and Labs teams, here is a 'fresh' article presented free of charge to all Elektor e-zine subsc...

| The colours are mostly okay but we want lamps to be s-m-a-r-t-e-r. Like use the processing power of a smartphone to light in rhythm with mus...

| In the past, everything was better — or at least simpler: if you wanted to buy an incandescent or halogen bulb, all you had to do was think...

| A proportional radio control is ideal for controlling the speed and direction of model cars, planes or boats. Unfortunately, there are often...

| NanoSound DAC 2 is the world's first Raspberry Pi DAC with 1.5“ Colour OLED display, 2 x precise crystal, much improved sound quality and mu...

| This is a submission from Distrelec. They now stock the new multicolour 240 series LED installation beacons from Werma, the technological le...

| At first glance, dimming LED lamps appears rather simple. Take a PWM output from any desired microcontroller, use this signal to drive a pow...

| This article describes the electronics, the BL600 program and the Android program; the last being an Android smartphone application with whi...

| Take two DVD players, use one as a plotting platform moving forward and backward, and mount the other vertically on it to provide left and r...

| The effect of gravitational acceleration on an object is demonstrated with a virtual ball rolling and bouncing on a Neopixel-based LED bar....