All items tagged with Loudspeakers and Amplifier (23)

| This second of four parts deals primarily with the protection network incorporated in the amplifier. This indispensable network safegu...

| The design of this amplifier is based on the assumption that, since the collector current of a transistor is, roughly, the same as the e...

| Music should be heard and enjoyed as if the orchestra were right in front of you. Unfortunately, neighbours, children and other members of...

| This article describes a completely updated and higher-power version of the 'Medium power a.f. amplifier' published in this magazine just...

| Because of the special requirements of the amplifier, its construction is somewhat different from that of more traditional output amplifi...

| This article describes an out-ot-the-ordinary amplifier for driving very-Iow-impedance transducers such as ribbon loudspeakers. The amplif...

| If a d.c. coupled output amplifier breaks down during operation, the loudspeakers, particularly the bass units, are at risk. The bass par...

| It is often socially not acceptable to turn up the volume of your amplifier, receiver or television set. In such cases a pair of headphone...

| There are many people who cannot, or will not, have the large loudspeakers in their living room that are necessary for good reproduction o...

| For the many readers who do not need hundreds of watts output from their audio hi-fi installation here is a modest 60-watt a.f. amplifier...