More about Microcontrollers (465)

| Microchip announces an expansion to the PIC18 product line with a new family of 8-bit microcontrollers (MCUs) that combine a Controller Area...

| Presented in this installment is a user interface (UI) or front end with display, knobs and buttons to control the FPGA-DSP radio. Based on...


| Very common on old equipment, today they seem to have disappeared completely. I am talking about those pushbutton banks of which only one bu...

| In the Elektor Store for your enjoyment we now have the Official ESP32 book. This book aims to introduce the ESP32, describing the main soft...

| These days, most microcontrollers with flash program memory can be programmed in-circuit. But it wasn't that long ago that every electronics...

| TRINAMIC Motion Control announces the TMCM-1633-CANopen, a new compact 300W BLDC servo controller module with sinusoidal commutation compati...

| Gaining the trust of an engineering audience is no easy task. They easily smell the difference between material generated by marketing compa...

| The FreeSoC2 PSoC® 5LP Dev Board uses Cypress ARM processors and built-in configurable hardware to make a versatile system that can be used...

| News from the Raspberry Pi Foundation is that they have introduced a compliance process for manufacturers who use an RPi integrated into the...


| Of course you can use your super-duper multimeter to measure the gain (hfe) of a transistor, but isn’t it much more fun to program a microco...