More about Radio (299)

| Reliable data transmission using a radio link requires the transmitter signal to be received as clean as possible, and at sufficient f...

| If you want to receive a distant or even overseas TV station that happens to use the same frequency as a strong local transmitter, the r...

| The U2514B is an integrated bipolar radio circuit suitable for digital tuning systems. It contains an FM front end with preamplifier a...

| In the UK, two small sections of the 70-cm band, around 418 MHz and 433 MHz, have been available for some time for licenceexempt wire...

| The Radio Caroline’s which some of you may fondly remember have been towed ashore and superseded by radio stations not using transmitter...

| The European Union’s Eureka* 147 DAB Project is the only digital audio broadcasting system to be fully specified and to meet the ITU’s...

| Judging by the cacaphony emanating from an increasing number of cars on the road, car radio boosters unfonunately remain popular with yo...

| The circuit shown here will hopefully fill an important gap, so missing, in current DIY electronics. So, leave the computer alone for...

| With the rebirth of thermionic valves (electron tubes) in audio amplifiers (note that they never 'died' in radio transmitters), it was fei...

| Almost fifty years ago, Wireless World (now Electronics World) published the design of an audio output amplifier that gave a new dimension t...