More about Radio (299)

| Amateur radio is expensive, or should I say it is if you buy all of your equipment. This cost deters many from a hobby that once investiga...

| This simple to build antenna booster offers a gain of some 20 dB over a frequency range that covers the VHF FM radio band and the whole of...

| Most of us are familiar with the teletext services offered by the BBC and the IBA in the UK and television stations in most other countri...

| Since our first publication on RDS almost two years ago, the system has met with rapid acceptance by European radio broadcasters. At the t...

| Waste not, want not! Radio amateurs are a breed of electronics enthusiasts who like to see every milliwatt of their precious RF power arri...

| Most small portable radios require a 3 V supply normally provided by two size AA or AAA batteries. Since rechargeable batteries are an op...

| This article describes a miniature medium-wave band receiver powered by a solar cell. The circuit is based on a single integrated circuit,...

| The authors, two dyed-in-the-wool radio amateurs, describe how the facsimile decoder we published early last year for Atari and Archimedes...

| This FM radio, designed by ElV GmbH, consists of an insertion card for IBM PC-XTs, ATs and compatibles and is available as a kit or a read...

| The radio beacon band extends from 280 kHz to 516 kHz. Each beacon has its own characteristic AM modulated morse-coded call sign that is tra...