More about rc (21)

| Coils having self-inductance have a mystique for many electronics constructors and designers, particularly amateurs, that is quite unwarrant...

| The printer port of a PC may be misused simply as a digital I/O interface. The present circuit provides 32 outputs and 20 inputs.

| This is another device for making working with the logic analyser published in our May 1996 issue more convenient. It increases the vers...

| Occasionally, a very-Iow-frequency rectangular voltage is required. The present circuit generates a very precise 1 Hz square-wave signal...

| Many motorcycles have no temperature gauge - which means that their riders have to guess whether the engine is hot, cold or lukewarm (b...

| Parallel inputting of data into a PC is not straightforward , unless an 8-bit slot is available into which an easily available card with...

| Peripheral Interface Controllers, PICs®, from Microchip are currently in the centre of attention. In descriptions of these devices an impo...

| Could the authors of Practical Method of Designing RC Active Filters which appeared in the March 1955 issue of IRE Transactions on Circui...

| The touch switch is based on a Schmitt trigger with hold contact, which is built from IC(1a), IC(1b) and R3. The output of IC(1b) is fed...

| In the first two parts of this article we concentrated mainly on the system outline and the dissolve unit. This time, we tackle the constr...