More about Robotics (220)

| Earthworms creep along the ground by alternately squeezing and stretching muscles along the length of their bodies, inching forward with eac...

| In the 2005 comic book series The Surrogates people remotely operate humanoid robotic substitutes with their minds. While humans stay at hom...

| Based on their Tower System platform, Freescale’s new two-legged robot kit includes a 32-bit Coldfire MCU board, four servos, a three-axis a...

| Constructed entirely from Lego, including four Mindstorms NXT kits programmed in LabVIEW, with the addition of a Samsung Galaxy S II Android...

| India has a thing with hot. It was hot in the sixties & seventies, Indian food has been hot as long as mankind can remember and now technolo...

| Pololu Robotics and Electronics is having its biggest Black Friday sale yet, starting this Thursday, November 24th. You can get up to $25 of...

| In current robotics research there is a vast body of work on algorithms and control methods for groups of decentralized cooperating robots,...

| The Proton robot from Elektor is a versatile platform that’s suitable for students, enthusiasts and professionals alike. The robot can opera...

| From the crew at Circuit cellar, Elektor and NXP, a big THANKS to everyone who participated in the NXP mbed Design Challenge 2010! The respo...

| Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) is a technique of building a map of an area while at the same time determining the explorer's p...