| Sometimes sophisticated sensors based on video cameras, infrared or ultrasound are not quite up to the job, and we have to resort to somewha...
| Sometimes sophisticated sensors based on video cameras, infrared or ultrasound are not quite up to the job, and we have to resort to somewha...
| Four-footed walking robots occupy a special place in the gamut of DIY robots. Walking on four legs has always been a challenge. Building the...
| The most famous balancing robot, also viewed from the general public's perspective, is the Segway, invented by Dean Kamen [5]. This litt...
| The name of this robot is actually a bit ambiguous. The hyphen in the name can also be placed in a different position, giving the name '...
| When first trying our hand at robotics, we’re generally in a hurry to build a mobile robot that has a degree of autonomy. It’s with this aim...
| There are currently three principal methods for the propulsion of a mobile robot: the modified radio-control servo, the stepper motor, and t...
| Creating a robot capable of following an exact course without needing any external physical help — like a line marked on the ground, for exa...
| If your mobile robot’s sole function is to roam about the tiling or wooden floors of your home, it’s not very likely to have much need of th...
| Quite simply, it’s a light-seeking robot — a sort of moth (on wheels) if you prefer, since, just like its counterpart in the living world, i...
| Fans of the film ‘2001 a Space Odyssey’ will no doubt recall the polite yet sinister voice of HAL, the ship’s computer. It stands to reason...