More about Security (144)

| As the recent NSA leaks highlight the importance of privacy enhancing tools, Adafruit presents the Onion Pi. This DIY project explains how s...

| South Stream is an ambitious endeavor of Russia’s energy giant Gazprom to get direct access to the EU energy market. It is portrayed and cri...

| Consumer grade EEG-scanners used in mind-controlled games can be turned against their user to extract private information, research shows....

| Privacy enhancing tools have a bad reputation when it comes to usability. Nathan Freitas of The Guardian Project demonstrated easy to use ap...

| Europe's energy discourse has been unjustifiably preoccupied with concerns about potential physical disruptions of Russian gas. The real cha...

| The Clingendael International Energy Programme (CIEP), together with the Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM), the Loyola de Palacio Chair at...

| Market reformists who are trying to put an end to oil-indexed gas contracts fail to understand the unique value of the current "hybrid" pric...

| As part of a four-party project (with FEEM, the Loyola de Palacio Chair in Florence and Wilton Park) on a new EU Gas security of Supply Arch...

| Increasingly, it has become common to assert that environmental change brought on by rising temperatures caused by humanity's industrial act...

| Speech at the IEA Ministerial meeting, Paris, 18 October 2011. Ladies and gentlemen, Dear colleagues. You would probably be surprised if — a...