All items tagged with temperature and Temperature sensor (51)

| The Maxim MAX6670 ( is an integrated circuit for temperature-dependent fan control. Th...

| In the July/August issue of 1998 we introduced the LM75, a 9-bit temperature sensor. Since then, the same company (National Semiconductor) h...

| A temperature measurement system with up to eight distributed temperature sensors can be realised using only a single signalling lead. This...

| In many areas of daily and technical life, making temperature measurements is the most important instrumentation task. ‘Intelligent’ digital...

| It is often difficult to properly calibrate a temperature sensor since there is no suitable aid for doing so available. This article, which...

| The Type AD22105 from Analog Devices is an integrated circuit that contains a temperature sensor, a threshold comparator with hysteresis a...

| The Type LM35 temperature sensor from National Semiconductor is very popular for two reasons: it produces an output voltage that is direct...

| The LM75 from National Semiconductor is a temperature sensor, Delta-Sigma analogue-todigital converter (ADC), and digital over-temperatu...

| Remote temperature measurements have to be linked by some sort of cable to the relevant test instrument. Normally, this is a three-core...

| The TMP12 is a silicon-based airflow and temperature sensor designed to be placed in the same airstream as heat generating eomponents...