| As opposed to most timer circuits, this month’s Mini Project is intended for very long periods. A switchable divider chain using two 4040 co...
| As opposed to most timer circuits, this month’s Mini Project is intended for very long periods. A switchable divider chain using two 4040 co...
| This processor-driven automatic fan controller does not just run in parallel with the toilet light, but instead allows the user to adjust th...
| Tea drinkers take note: you are about to see the ultimate device for lifting the tea egg out of the teapot, complete with a microcontroller...
| As demonstrated in this article, a simple test instrument is sufficient to unravel the mysteries of the cryptic and impossibly small print o...
| Occasionally there is a need for a timer circuit for tasks such as switching off a circuit element (such as an LC display) after a given int...
| If you need an adjustable ‘on’ or ‘off’ time for some application, then this is the circuit you have been looking for. A problem that often...
| The previous instalments of the Microcontroller Basics Course have primarily concentrated on programming languages. Now it’s time to take a...
| A darkroom timer is not such a complicated device: you can easily build one yourself using a microcontroller.Although previous darkroom time...
| This circuit shows how a 4017 CMOS decade counter can be used to build a timer circuit. Pushbutton S1 will discharge capacitor C1 through re...
| The well-known ‘sleep’ function in clock radios and television sets switches off the equipment after a preselected time. However, what good...